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School Communication

School Communication Service

Communications logo showcasing two people in exchange

The School Communication Service assists school leaders in crafting and establishing key messages to promote student and staff successes, elevate the district's positive reputation, and build public awareness and community support.

A Public Information Specialist will serve as your district's primary point of contact and collaborate with our award-winning team of experienced writers, editors, artists and content specialists to effectively communicate with community stakeholders. Our FTE service is available for 1 to 3 days per week. Districts may also request customized support for specific projects through a centralized service.

Team members collaborate regularly and hold memberships with NYSPRA, NSPRA and BOCES of NYS, providing participating districts with a depth and breadth of service that no single district would be able to replicate on its own. 


Sapna Kollali, Director of Communications, (315) 361-5518

The School Communication Service assists school leaders in crafting and establishing key messages to promote student and staff successes, elevate the district's positive reputation, and build public awareness and community support.

A Public Information Specialist will serve as your district's primary point of contact and collaborate with our award-winning team of experienced writers, editors, artists and content specialists to effectively communicate with community stakeholders. Team members collaborate regularly to provide participating districts with a depth and breadth of service that no single district would be able to replicate on its own.  

We offer an FTE service available for 1 to 3 days per week, as well as customized support for specific projects through a centralized service.


Key Contact:

Sapna Kollali, Director of Communications, (315) 361-5518